An Operating System is the software which interacts with the hardware of a computer system and serves as the intermediary between applications and the hardware, which includes peripheral devices such as a printer, a mouse or a keyboard. When you run software, it transfers requests to the OS using an API (Application Program Interface) and the interaction is done through a command line or a Graphical User Interface (GUI). Identical to a personal computer, hosting servers also have an Operating System which acts as a host for any software installed on them, which includes script applications or server-side software such as a flash server, a VOIP server, and many others. A virtual machine can be generated on a physical one, so you can install a guest OS on it and have a different system environment in contrast to the physical server host Operating System.

Multiple OS in VPS

In case you choose to go for one of our virtual private server plans, you will be able to select one of the three Linux distributions that we provide for the Operating System of the servers - CentOS, Ubuntu and Debian. They're among the most preferred and most reliable server OSs on the market and we offer them in order to give you a choice for the software environment of your machine if you want to install some app with particular requirements in terms of the packages that should be present on the web hosting server. We also offer three hosting Control Panels and which one of them you'll be able to use depends on the OS that you've chosen. We leave the possibility to change the server Operating System open, so if you want to use software that requires an OS different from the one that's already present, we can always reinstall the VPS. We can also keep the OS up-to-date on a weekly basis by installing any security updates which may be available.

Multiple OS in Dedicated Hosting

In case you decide to acquire one of our dedicated servers, you shall find three Operating Systems on the registration page since we want to give you a broader choice regarding the system environment on your machine as different applications may have certain requirements. CentOS, Ubuntu and Debian contain different modules developed by their vast support communities, so you can select any of these OSs and benefit from a stable and risk-free Internet hosting service. Depending on your selection, you will also have different Control Panels to choose from. Needless to say, we can always change the Operating System in case the one you have selected in the beginning doesn't meet the requirements of the software that you would like to run. We can also update the OS on a regular basis in order to keep it as risk-free as possible through our Managed Services upgrade package.